Resurface Your Deck for New Enjoyment
Ridgeline Decks can resurface some decks. Covered decks and decks with intact framing can be resurfaced with new decking. This requires an evaluation to determine the feasibility of placing a 50-year warrantied product on an older frame. The goal of resurfacing an existing deck is to redeem the value you are paying for in the new decking, specifically longevity. It would be a shame to have a deck frame fail with life still left in the decking. Our honest opinion about the state or condition of your deck will allow you to make a safe decision.
Post and Beam Deck Repair
We are experienced specialists in the replacement of rotted or failing deck Posts and beams. We start with evaluating the deck and the supports. To replace the posts and/or beams we first lift the deck using hydraulic jacks and supports. We can then safely remove and replace the damaged posts and/or beams. With that complete, we can lower the deck back to the new level and secure posts and/or beams.
Is your post or beam aging or is your deck a candidate for resurfacing? Are you in need of a deck repair in Spokane? Reach out for your evaluation today.